Tuscany Suites, Las Vegas, Nevada May 12-14, 2022
www.PaperSourceSeminars.com 800-542-2270 alison@cashflows.org
NOTE: Soliciting investors for participation offerings (such as funds or pools) is not permitted at our events. The exception is for sales of whole notes or real estate in which the offering party is not involved after the sale (including servicing, guarantees, etc.).
Platinum Sponsorships Include:
- A 6-foot exhibit table with skirting, chairs, wifi and electricity (or 6-foot space for your own booth).
- Convention registration for one or two people (depending on the sponsorship).
- Additional company representatives just $150 each (includes all sessions, luncheon, receptions, etc.).
- A 3-minute presentation of your company from the podium in the General Session.
- Your company logo linked to your website at www.PaperSourceSeminars.com
- Your contact information in the Convention app and in the printed program.
- Your advertisement in The Paper Source Registry of Note Investors and Servicers.
- Your ad in an email to our 17,000-plus subscribers with link to your website.
Platinum Sponsorship
Tote Bags: Your logo and contact info on tote bags given to all attendees at registration. Includes registration for two people and everything in the bullet points above. SPONSORED BY ANDERSON ADVISORS
Note Pads: Your logo and contact info on note pads given to all attendees at registration. Includes registration for two people and everything in the bullet points above. $1500
Thursday Afternoon Refreshments: Includes registration for one person and everything in the bullet points above. $1500
Thursday Open Bar Welcome Reception: Includes a brief presentation at the reception, registration for two persons and everything in the bullet points above. SPONSORED BY ALLIED SERVICING CORP.
Friday Coffee: Includes registration for one person and everything in the bullet points above. SPONSORED BY TOTAL LENDER SOLUTIONS
Friday White Tablecloth Buffet Luncheon: Includes registration for two people and everything in the bullet points above, plus brief remarks at the luncheon. SPONSORED BY FINANCIAL PARTNERS AGENCY
Friday Open Bar Networking Reception: Includes a brief presentation at the reception, registration for two persons and everything in the bullet points above. SPONSORED BY DO INCOME FUND
Saturday Coffee: Includes registration for one person and everything in the bullet points above. SPONSORED BY FUSION NOTES
Gold Sponsorship
- A 6-foot exhibit table (or space for your freestanding booth not over 6 feet wide) with skirting, chairs, wifi and electricity. If you have a freestanding booth that is larger than 6 feet wide, please purchase 2 spaces.
- Convention registration for one person.
- Additional company representatives just $150 each.
- Your company logo linked to your website at www.PaperSourceSeminars.com.
- Your contact information in the Convention app and in the printed program.
- Your advertisement in The Paper Source Registry of Note Investors and Servicers.
Virtual Sponsorship
- Dedicated virtual exhibitor booth with chat, live streaming, video uploading
- Lead Generation
- Uploading promotions, raffles, coupons
- Exhibitor contact info uploading
- Booth staff management
- Document uploading
- Private messaging, creating meet-ups, setting up discussion topics, full list of attendee profiles, etc.
For more information or to reserve your space, email Alison: alison@cashflows.org or call 800-542-2270