Abhi Golhar

Abhi Golhar

How to Leverage Technology & Get More Leads in 2021

Artificial intelligence has arrived in the real estate & note industry in an incredible, disruptive fashion. Its arrival has many real estate professionals feeling curious, puzzled, or scared about its short and long-term impact on the industry and how to adapt.

Technology and business operations expert Abhi Golhar describes how AI and machine learning will change the real estate industry. He’ll give you 5 steps for using AI to move your lead gen, marketing, and relationship building to the next level using customized workflows.

So don’t worry, there’s no need to go to DEFCON 3 to prevent SkyNet from taking over the world just yet. But NOW is the time to get a step ahead of your competition! Learn to harness the power of AI to work for YOU to attract more clients and enrich your business.

What you’ll learn:

Why AI isn’t scary
4 focal points of a digital mindset for 2021
One automation you can implement qualify potential acquisitions

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